Mo Karimirad
Mo Karimirad is a lifelong NBA fan, coach, and psychology student.
Mo Karimirad is a lifelong NBA fan, coach, and psychology student.
Hi, I’m Luka, founder of Valiant Wellness.
A few years ago… I was ashamed of my physique. I had no balance in my life. Working 80 hours a week in investment banking, spent the weekends getting drunk on liquor, and occasionally hitting the gym to offset my undisciplined weekends.
What I was left with was a chubby, dad bod. I was ashamed to take my shirt off in public because of my muffin tops, lol. I remember clear one of my best friends looked at me and called me a bag of milk.
This was me at 226 lbs, tired all the time, stuck in bad habits, and living a mediocre life.
I look at this guy and still feel ashamed… how could I let myself go this bad?
I used to be a shredded, jacked athlete at 185 lbs – disciplined and committed to my craft.